Story 2 Synopsis and Cover Revealed – Redemption

I’m going to do my best to get the second story out by the first week of December, so I wanted to release the cover and synopsis today.

In “Redemption (My Vampire Lover #2),” Raphael, a vampire and prince to the realm, faces a great challenge.  After giving his blood to his love, Raphael knows Caroline’s life is hanging between life and death.  Will she survive?  And if so, what will she become being born as a werewolf pureblood?  Raphael knows he must work fast to protect Caroline from his father discovering her existence while he also figures out how to save her.

“Conquest (My Vampire Lover #1)” had a great weekend on Amazon and is on its way to Barnes and Noble. I received two 5 star reviews and I really am excited already about the interest. Thanks again so much to my new followers here on my blog. Thanks everyone!

If you have any feedback, please share a comment.

Have a great week!



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I believe good romance should make you purr and good erotic vampire romance should make you scream, but in a good way of course. Writing under a pen name, my new quest is to create steamy hot romances featuring vampires with a blend of romance and the erotic.

4 thoughts on “Story 2 Synopsis and Cover Revealed – Redemption”

  1. I just started reading “Redemption” and experienced a strong sense of deja vue! I realized that I’d already read this book, except it was titled “Virgin Moon” and the author is Ally Thomas. The 2 books are word for word the same, except the title of the books, the character names and locations have been changed. How is this possible? Isn’t someone quilty of plagiarism? I also don’t like the idea of buying the same book twice!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Barbara! I wrote both books, Redemption and Virgin Moon. I have both copyrighted and you may see the Victoria Embers stories say written by Victoria Embers and Ally Thomas in the heading material. Anyways, I’d be happy to reimburse you for Redemption or Virign Moon if you’d like your money back. Or I could gift you one of my other books.

      You can see the complete list at Amazon

      Again my apologies for your dissatisfaction. I was experimenting with writing romance earlier this year and wrote 3 versions actually to the story, one being a YA. I sent you an email with this info. I hope to hear back from you. Thanks again, Ally Thomas

      1. Thanks for your prompt answer to my comments about “Redemption” & “Virgin Moon”. I thought you probably wrote both books, but wasn’t sure. I appreciate your offer, but I don’t want to be reimbursed for buying the same book twice because I only paid $.99 for each book. I only mentioned it because I would really have been upset if I’d paid the usual e-book cost, ranging from $2.99 to $14.99, for each one. Regardless of my comment, I have enjoyed reading your books. When is the 3rd book, ” Day of Reckoning”, going to be released? Soon I hope.

        Barbara Alston


      2. Not a problem. Thanks for your honesty and observation. I put them both out there as writing experiments. Likely I’ll pull one at some point, probably VM. I’m writing on My Vampire Lover Part 3 now and I’m hoping it will be out at the beginning of the year. I hope you follow my blog here or so you see the updates on the next release. Thanks again!

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